Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 16

Unit 16

Q The Revised Academic Essay For this final assignment, you will work within the full draft of your Academic Essay returned to you by your instructor in Week 15. Once you have reviewed the Week 16 Learning Materials and the instructor feedback, refine your Academic Essay to a polished final written product. Use the Writing Center’s Revision Checklist to ensure all aspects of revision for academic writing has been completed. Once you have submitted the document, return to the assignment drop box to review the Turnitin Similarity Score. If your score is in the orange or red range, open and review the Turnitin Report. Revise for proper paraphrase and summary of any verbatim content in your essay from the library articles or other third-party sources listed in the score report. Then resubmit the revised document for final grading. Contact your instructor if there are any inconsistencies in the report. If you need help viewing your Turnitin Similarity report in Brightspace, read these instructions. Due End of Week 16 Assessment Guidelines and Rubric Your assignment should be approximately 4–6 pages long and follow APA (American Psychological Association) format not including the required title page and References page. Double-space your writing, and use Times New Roman 12-pt font. This assignment is worth 100 points toward your final grade and is a major assignment. Before uploading, please save your document under the following naming conventions: “YourLastName - Week # - Assignment Title.” To understand how your Final Essay will be evaluated, please see the Academic Essay Rubric. ?

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Learning and gaining knowledge helps in the overall development of an individual. It is the reason why many schools, colleges, and education institutes are open and cater to serving the students and preparing them for the future by providing academic as well as social skills to sustain in the society. Students are enrolled in the schools from the age of 3 years and the high school ends at 17 years. School and other education institutes involve teaching students lessons for their respective subjects and the interaction between teacher and student enhances the social skills in a student. Also, student-student interaction will enhance their speaking skills and make the students more adaptable and adjust.